Phases of Private Placement

Going public is a significant milestone in the development of a company, which requires an extensive analysis of chances and risks. With the help of a legal and tax analysis we fill occurring information gaps and so create a thorough basis for a successful issuing. In our consultation we develop, together with our clients, a suitable capital strategy. When determining the individual financial requirements, we include in good time any aspects, which could have effects on the capital structure and on the development of the company.

An optimal capital equipment requires individual financing instruments. We offer our clients numerous possibilities to satisfy the capital requirements determined. We consult our clients on planning capital investments of all forms of participation. Equity financing depends on numerous aspects, which are combined with complex points of agreement. Since we are experienced consultants, we consider all important tax and legal aspects and standards for issuing prospectuses while developing a profit-sharing model. We support our clients in obtaining the authorizations required from the Federal Supervisory Offices as well as in assigning security identification numbers.

A professional placement of the capital investment forms a basis for a successful private placement. We explain our clients the functioning of the German capital markets in detail, especially the functioning of the free capital market. Our contacts with around 7.000 investment advisors and financial service providers throughout Germany support our clients in placing. Of course we pass on our experience for the sales support with the help of presentations, lectures and seminars.