Dr. jur. Horst S. Werner

Since 1981, Dr. jur. Horst S. Werner (born in 1947) has been working as a business-lawyer in Göttingen. With a doctoral thesis about company and business combination law he obtained the doctor’s degree in 1979. From 1974 on Dr. Werner has been working as an assistant of a professor of commercial and bank law for four years. From 1979 until 1981 he held a lectureship in commercial and company law at the University of Göttingen and in 1990 at the University of Bremen. Dr. Werner published numerous practical-orientated books and scientific articles on the law of capital investment as well as on the company law, business combination law, banking law and capital market law. Many positive revues of his 13 monographs prove his recognition by specialist press.

Since 1983 Dr. Werner has been planning and designing issuing prospectuses for the capital markets. At the same time, he implemented an issue volume of more than 5.8 billion Euros in his function as going public consultant. During the last 15 years, Dr. Werner has exercised functions as director and supervisory board chairman in several public limited companies and holding companies. A number of medium-sized companies were led to the stock market.

Fields of Activities and Interest

  • consultation on equity capital issues for medium-sized companies, on commercial law, company law, law governing stock exchange transactions, banking law, tax law and economic law, as well as on the law of capital investments; business and balance-related strategies, holding plans and consultation on lacing
  • lecturing and teaching activity in company presentations (events), in trainings of investment advisors, in seminars, and at the university of Göttingen and Bremen teaching and training courses for bankers and investment advisors

Latest/current publications

„Mezzanine-Kapital“, 2. Auflage 2007, 194 Seiten, Bank-Verlag GmbH Köln,

„Das Private Placement zur Eigenkapitalbeschaffung - Wege zur Unternehmensfinanzierung“, 196 Seiten, 2. Auflage 2006, Bank-Verlag Köln.

"Eigenkapital-Finanzierung", 1. Auflage 2007, 224 Seiten

"Unternehmensfinanzierung", Stuttgart 2005, Schäffer-Poeschel Verlag, 194 Seiten

"Die Eigenkapitalbeschaffung mit einem Beteiligungs- und Verkaufsprospekt am außerbörslichen Kapitalmarkt", 8. Auflage 2005, 78 Seiten, Göttingen,

„Stilles Gesellschaftskapital und Genussrechtskapital als stimmrechtsloser Eigenkapitalersatz“ 4. Auflage, 180 Seiten, Wolfratshausen 2004,

You find an entire list with books and councellors here.

Topical articles and professional contributions

  • Die Beteiligung eines Treuhänders spart Geld (zusammen mit RA Christian Wilke), in: Handelsblatt, 22. Februar 2006, C11
  • Platzierung von Genußscheinen (zusammen mit Dr. Wolf-Dietrich Fugger), in: Going Public Magazin, April 2005, S. 42 (:: as PDF)
  • Handlungsfreiheit - Alternative Geldquelle, in: Vis-A-Vis Economy/Financial Times Deutschland, 20. Dezember 2004, S. 54
  • Genussscheine als Mezzanine-Kapital, in: Venture Capital Magazin, April 2004, S. 74/75 (:: as PDF) 

Topical interviews and press reports

  • Neue Öko-Trends bei Geschlossenen Fonds
    Interview in: Die Welt, 29.09.2006
  • Das letzte Wort behält der Eigentümer
    Interview in: Handelsblatt, 22. Februar 2006, C3
  • Mittelstand nutzt neue Finanzierungswege, Interview in: Deutscher Vertriebs- und Verkaufs-Anzeiger, 26. September 2005 (:: as PDF)
  • Die Bilanz als Visitenkarte, Interview in: Handelsblatt, JournalMittelstand, 19. September 2005
  • Mehr Geld, mehr Motivation, Interview in: enable/Financial Times Deutschland, 7. Juni 2005, S. 8
  • Kunden geben Starthilfe, Interview in: starting up, Ausgabe Jun/Jul/Aug 05, S. 14-16 (:: as PDF)
  • Mezzanine-Kapital als Rettungsanker für den Mittelstand, Interview in: RATINGaktuell-Express, Ausgabe 09/2005, 2. März 2005 (:: as PDF)